Day 42


This morning I headed out for the main attraction of Bunbury, the dolphin discovery centre. Here, you can wade into the water while wild dolphins swim around in the shallows just a metre or two from you. I probably saw about 15 dolphins in total. Also at the centre is a small aquarium, which houses native species. By far the best part of this, and possibly the whole day, was watching the octopus being fed. It takes the lump of prawn with the middle of its tentacle, and bends in all sorts of freaky ways to get it into its mouth. It also has a taste for the volunteers it seems, and it gave a good attempt at dragging the poor woman into the tank.  A tank that has to be taped shut,  as the octopus had been known to escape and eat all the other fish, and be back in its own tank by the time someone checks in the morning.

Day 41


This morning consisted if getting the train to Bunbury, a few hours south of Perth. I explored the town a bit in the afternoon,  going up the lookout tower from which you can see the whole town and docks area, walking around the town itself, and visiting the beach, which is a fantastic combination of white sand and huge black rocks on the water’s edge which make big spraying waves. I also walked around the lake just outside of the town centre,  where I saw a shingleback. There is an island in the middle of this lake that was apparently used for pig farming so that fences wouldn’t be needed, but they all tried to swim back and drowned,  so the water is now known as The Blunders.