City Safari

After three months of living in Sydney, I have finally made it over the water to Taronga Zoo, and had an absolutely fantastic day.              The best part of the day for me was the seal show. We went to the show that was ‘performed’ by the seals that were learning their moves still, … Continue reading

International Fleet Review

To mark the 100 year anniversary of the Royal Australian Navy first entering Sydney, the city is holding an International Fleet Review. This means that there are over 40 warships floating around Sydney at the moment, alongside several tall ships, and Prince Harry is around here somewhere too. Tonight I went to see the lightshow and fireworks put on to commemorate the event, which included a display of the Navy’s history projected onto the Sydney Opera House, more fireworks than have ever been used in Sydney Harbour before and some aircraft flypasts.


This was my vantage point for the show, near Mrs Macquerie’s Chair, which was excellent, although as expected it was sometimes difficult to see a lot as there were so many people.  The fireworks were launched from the warships though, so were going off all around us so I could see bits of all sorts, and the reflections in the city buildings were pretty spectacular in themselves. Also, I had never seen fireworks launched from helicopters before, which is surprisingly effective, and at one point an old military plane flew through the fireworks to coincide with projections showing wartime planes flying across the Opera House roof which was brilliant. The pilot must have had nerves of steel! 

Although there were officially more fireworks used than for the New Years Eve celebrations, this show was more about the projections than the flashy show as it is an historic event. I will have to try to be in Sydney for NYE to see the more choreographed version.